Monday 28 January 2013

WWE Royal Rumble: The Rock Vs. CM Punk (WWE Title Match)

  • We go to the ring and out first comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman. Out next comes The Rock to a big pop from the crowd.
  • The bell rings and they start brawling. Punk comes back with kicks and beats Rock down in the corner. Rock with a big clothesline out of the corner. Punk blocks a Rock Bottom. Rock sends Punk to the floor in front of Heyman. Rock follows and slams Punk's face into the announcers table. Rock hits a big right hand and starts taking the Spanish announce table apart but Punk rolls him into the ring. Dueling chants from the crowd now. Punk comes back in but Rock meets him with a right hand. Rock works Punk over and whips him into the fan barrier on the floor. Heyman runs over and attacks Rock from behind while the referee isn't looking. Rock backs Heyman up but Punk attacks from behind and lays Rock out on the floor.

  • Punk drops Rock's ribs over the top of the barrier and brings it back in the ring. Punk with knees to the gut and a kick to the back. Rock fights out of a body scissors but Punk drops him again and applies another submission. Punk breaks the hold and Rock meets him with big right hands. Rock with an inverted atomic drop but Punk stops him with a heel kick to the face. Punk keeps control and wails away with forearms to the chest. Punk with more offense on the midsection. Heyman with another cheap shot as the referee is distracted. Punk kicks Rock out of the ring but lands odd on his recently injured knee. Punk goes to the top and leaps out onto Rock with a forearm.
  • They come back in and Rock starts working on Punk's injured knee. Punk sends Rock right back out to the floor. Punk leaps out to the floor again and takes Rock out with a suicide dive. Punk brings it back in the ring. Punk springboards in but misses. Rock starts stomping and working on Punk's knee. Rock with a leg sweep and a 2 count. Rock goes for a Rock Bottom but Punk fights him off with elbows. Punk goes for a GTS but Rock catches the leg and applies a Sharpshooter but Punk rolls through that. Punk applies the Anaconda Vice.
  • Rock rolls through for a 2 count. Rock with right hands now. Rock nails a DDT as Heyman looks on. Rock readies for another Rock Bottom attempt but Punk catches it and rolls Rock up. Rock rolls through and goes for another Sharpshooter. This time he gets it locked in. Punk makes it to the bottom rope and breaks the hold. Punk rolls out to the floor and Rock follows. Rock with a clothesline on the floor. Rock takes apart the Spanish announce table again. Punk crawls in the ring but Rock pulls him back out. Rock slams Punk into the announce table and lays him on top of it. More right hands from Rock. Punk kicks him in the head. Punk takes Rock up on the table and calls for GTS. Rock blocks it. Rock goes for a Rock Bottom but the table collapses and they just fall. Rock clutches his leg as he tries to get up.
  • Trade shots some more. Rock fires away with punches. Punk with forearms. Rock runs the ropes and hits a flying shot. Rock with a spinebuster. Rock calls for The People's Elbow but when he goes to hit it, the lights go out. We hear a fight going down it sounds like. The lights are still out but Cole is yelling about The Shield. They put Rock through an announce table with a triple powerbomb. The lights come on and Rock is laid outside the ring. No sign of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns. Punk starts smiling and laughing in the ring.
  • Cole is yelling about The Shield and Punk says he has nothing to do with them. Punk goes outside and brings Rock back in the ring while Heyman looks on. Punk rolls in and covers Rock for the win.

  • Winner: CM Punk

  • - After the bell, we see Rock's mother in the crowd looking worried. Punk takes his title and celebrates as his music plays. Punk stomps on Rock a few times in the corner and kicks him out of the ring before posing on the turnbuckles.

  • - Vince McMahon's music hits and out he comes. Vince says Punk's celebration is over. Vince says if The Shield got involved, he said he would strip Punk. Vince says yes, technically we couldn't see that The Shield got involved. Vince goes to strip Punk of the title as Heyman pleads from his knees. Rock takes the mic from the ground and says we ain't ending this night like that. Rock says Vince don't take the title from Punk, he will. Rock tells Vince to re-start the match now.

  • Vince restarts the match and here we go. Punk attacks Rock coming in the ring and unloads on him. The crowd is all into it. Punk nails a knee to the head int he corner. Punk goes to the top for the big elbow drop and nails it. Punk covers for a 2 count. Fans chant for Rocky as Punk calls for GTS. Rock slides out of GTS and hits a spinebuster off the ropes. Rock nails The People's Elbow this time and covers Punk for the win and the WWE Title.

  • Winner and New WWE Champion: The Rock

  • - After the bell, Rock takes the WWE Title and celebrates as his mother looks on and cheers. Rock holds the title up and says it's for the people.

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