Monday 9 July 2012


Height: 6'5"
Weight: 260 lbs.
From: Miami, Fla.
Signature Move: Rock Bottom; People's Elbow
Career Highlights: WWE Championship; Intercontinental Champion; World Tag Team Champion; Royal Rumble winner (2000); WCW Champion

 He’s been dubbed The Great One, The People’s Champion and The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment, but mere words fail to capture the essence of the most charismatic Superstar of all time. Although the catchphrase “boots to asses” comes awfully close. 
The first third-generation Superstar in WWE history, the man born Dwayne Johnson was destined for sports-entertainment immortality since birth, but his rise to the status of a pop culture icon was harder to predict. In the time since he made his debut as a grinning good guy at the 1996 Survivor Series.

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